We Moved!

Hello everyone, Thank you for visiting and your support over the years; it has truly meant a lot to me. As with all all things in life, growth and change are constant and so after blogging on this page for six years, it is time to move on. I'd like to introduce you to the new home and identity of my blog: ZINOGOLD.COM Why the new name? I have always emphasized that my blog is an extension of me; an online diary where I share the things important to me and truly love, so it does make sense that it should be named after me. Also, for the purpose of personal branding, it is smarter that I stay consistent with my name. Lastly, those close to me know I love my name a lot and it is very sentimental; so, for these reasons I have chosen this name for the new blog. New Focus? I had already tweaked this blog to include beauty as this is something I actually love especially skincare. However, I decided to include career in the new blog because career growth for millennial women is som...