Life Update: NYSC, Business and more

Hey guys, It's good to be back here once again.

It's been a couple of weeks since my last post and I thought to share with you guys what I have been up to.

 I had initially planned a post on something entirely different and it was meant to be a series but for some reason, that hasn't really worked out. If all eventually works out, as I hope it would, I would still put it up.

So, what have I been up to recently? Well, first of all; I think Congratulations are in order for me as I successfully completed my One year of National Service this month (*inserts dancing emoji). I know I was never too excited about the whole Service thing but then I am excited that I have crossed it off my to do list and more importantly, it means I can now explore many more options that I was previously held back from doing.

Secondly, I know you might not know this cos I didn't really announce it on here but if you follow me on Social media, you would know that I launched a business in February of this year. Yep, that's right I launched my own hairline in February called Tresses by June. Basically, we sell premium human hair weaves as well as custom wig making services.

Obviously, starting a business is not easy especially in a country like Nigeria. To be honest, the market for human hair is pretty large, however, it's also quite saturated. Getting your brand to stand out is not easy. I think this is true of the beauty industry in general.

For a lot of business people, your first customers are family and friends. So, it definitely helps if you have close ones who can afford your products and services. However, for some others like me, that may not be the case. Obviously, my family and friends would love to see me succeed but they if they can't afford it, there is really nothing they can do.

For me, this means looking for my customers among strangers and acquaintances and of course this is not easy and though, this might be news to many of you, I am extremely socially awkward. In my comfort zone, I can be a real chatterbox and I do not have a problem with public speaking but when it comes to one on one interaction and meeting new people, I develop serious cold feet.

Many people have advised speaking to people around and introducing my business but that is honestly so difficult for me, if you have tips on how to manage this, kindly share with me.

Of course, I am trying to use social media as much as possible though I know I could do a lot better but hey, I'm here for improvement.

Lastly, now that I am officially done with National Service, it means it is time to take my career a little more seriously. I have a job at the moment though I am seriously considering a change to something more challenging and with more room for growth. Please, help a sister out if you've got any ideas.

I've also been really considering advanced studies, like an MSc or something but I haven't decided yet. I'm doing a poll on Instagram for that one. Let me know what you guys think.

So, that's just an update on my life for now. Links to my social media are below (personal and business). Follow me and spread the word (of my blog and my business). Thank you guys so much for sticking around. I love you!

Personal Instagram: @zinogold1
Business Instagram: @tresses_by_june
Twitter: @zino_gold


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