So, everyone is excited to have entered into a new year, after all 2016 was a rather dramatic and eventful year and we can’t wait to see how 2017 pans out. In all honesty, I can’t wait either.

While the year had its drastic downs; there were also the fabulous ups. And trust me, 2016 was actually the best year ever for some people. I can’t exactly say it was the same for me but it wasn’t a bad year either. I had a lot of good experiences and I simply count the others as lessons not necessarily bad experiences.

So, moving forward into 2017 I have been able to curate some of these experiences and have used them in drawing up my recipes for success in 2017. So, if you’re interested in getting my recipes; please grab your popcorn as this might be quite a read.

1.    There is no such thing as a wasted experience: Every single moment or experience in life is useful, believe it or not. An experience only becomes wasted when you fail to see it for what it is; an experience. People don’t say “experience is the best teacher” for nothing. There’s a lot of sense behind that statement. In 2016, I spent about four months trying to start up a business, it didn't exactly work out and i felt it was a monumental waste of my time, and that I wasn’t accomplishing anything. It wasn’t until much later, when I applied the seemingly useless knowledge I got from that first experience to something entirely different, that I was able to appreciate that experience. No experience is ever wasted. So, give your all in every situation, and file any knowledge gained in some part of your mind because you can never really tell when it could be of use to you. When you begin to appreciate all of your experiences, you are in a better position to learn, make better decisions and succeed from there on out.                
P.S: Worst case scenario, even if you never use it again, you can have a good laugh over it years later and add it to your list of silly things done in life.
.    Have clear, practical and realistic goals: As we enter into a new year, it is very common to hear people talk about new year resolutions. This in itself is commendable but most times, those goals don’t make it past January. The reason is simple; the goals are neither clear, practical nor realistic. Let me give you an example using two characters Ms A and Ms AB.
Ms A’s new year resolution is simple; she wants to make a lot of money, buy a new car and rent a flat in Lekki before the end of the year. AB’s plan is different. She plans on starting her own fashion label; she has undertaken a comprehensive training in fashion and design and has saved up to buy the necessary equipment. Her goal is to ensure that all of her neighbors and members of her church are aware of her new business and are convinced to patronize her. Whose goals look clear, practical and realistic to you? AB obviously! Making a lot of money is not a clear goal, because money doesn’t fall from trees. You need to have a clear objective like applying for that job you’ve always wanted, taking that training you really need or starting out your business in a chosen field. Secondly, you have to be practical, do you have what it takes and all you need to achieve that goal? AB’s goal to start her own fashion label is practical because she has already undertaken the training to do that and she has even gone a step further to purchase the necessary equipment. Lastly, you have to be realistic. Do not expect all of your dreams to come true in one year. While AB might have the goal of being a nationwide or global brand, she realizes it takes baby steps and she has decided to start growing her clientele among her neighbours and church members which sounds more realistic than expecting the Governor’s wife to patronize her instantly; unless of course the governor’s wife is her neighbor or church member. Apparently, AB’s recipe has a better chance of success than Ms. A, who has no clear goals.
   Live a simple life: I saw this tip on a blog sometime in 2016 and it made total sense. Since, we are all aware of the unpredictable economy, it makes no sense to spend all of your earnings on frivolities. It is no longer enough to just say that you do not spend above your means; rather you have to spend below your means cos it seems like every day is a rainy day lately. This ensures you have a cushion to break your fall in case of any eventuality. If you consider some of the most successful people, you will realize that they all live very simple lifestyles. You can’t spend lavishly all the time and expect to have enough to take care of major expenses when they arise. Truth is, a big spender is always broke. Do not be fooled by what you see on social media; you alone know the shoes you walk in, so do not try to fit into someone else’s shoes. Of course, no one is saying you should work like a bull and eat like an ant, but the point is you have to be reasonable when it comes to spending. Do not spend money on stuff that you have no use for or things you might have to pinch yourself later for splurging on. The best part of leading a simple life is not just the extra savings you can accumulate in your bank account but it also ensures you live a happy and peaceful life because you’re just not in competition with anybody and being happy is the zenith of success.

I hope these few tips are helpful in their little way. You can see some more life tips here in a previous post.

Have a blessed year.

Oreva Gold

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