Hey guys, as usual it's been a while I posted. In my last post, I explained that I had gotten a new job and my time was very limited, making it difficult to post.

However, I have realised that I always have one seemingly good excuse or the other as to why I've not been consistent. School, bad laptop, work or even mood swings.

This week, however, I came across something that inspired me so much that I have resolved to stop making excuses for myself. 

There's this blogger I follow on Instagram, but have never really visited her blog, her blog is FashionablyIdu. I stumbled across her Facebook page and I was scrolling through it to see her blog updates and i saw a particular post where she talked about beating cancer and celebrating two years blog anniversary. I was interested so i clicked to read it. Going through the story, I was challenged. Do you know that during this previous year, Idu fought cancer, kept her day job as a Kindergarten teacher, was raising four kids and was still consistent on her blog! Oh, she even managed to write a book while at it, Can you believe that?

I just shook my head at my life after reading this and all i asked myself was: Zino, whats your excuse? I am healthy, single and have just the one job and yet I find it difficult to be consistent on the blog. What is holding me back?

And so, you know how I always promise to try and do better; this time I am challenging myself to do better. I have to do better, I will fight all of my drawbacks and come out better. Hence, I am challenging myself to publish two posts every week from here on out. Possibly, Thursdays and Sundays. I think having specific days will make it easier to work with. Can I hear an Amen sombori?

What do you need to stop giving excuses for? Leave your thoughts in the  comment section if you need to stop giving excuses too or you have manged to fight off the urge to do so. I need your motivation.

 You can read Idu's story here.

Thank you guys, XOXO


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