Hey guys, welcome back! Hope you've all been fabulous. I missed you! As it is, I have no excuse why I haven't put up a post since, cos I've been doing almost nothing recently, na just laziness, lol. I do have a lot of post ideas and I would get to each of them. (eventually)

Anyway guys, today I want to share with you the reason I started blogging. I'm writing this post because of a conversation I had with a secondary school mate of mine recently.
I just shared a new blog post on my Facebook page and he sent me a message. He asked if blogging was a lucrative business. I told him yes if used well. He went on to ask a couple of other questions on how money could be made through blogging which I answered. He then told me that he was thinking of starting a blog and he needed me to put him through. I agreed to help in any way I could but I asked him what he wanted to blog about. His response was "anything, as long as it's legal and godly". I'm like what???? I was like you can't blog about anything. You need to have an area of interest, a niche. It has to be something that interests you in life and you just share it with others. He became lost, and didn't have a response to that.
That's when I realised that I might have to write a post on what blogging is really about, or at least what it's about for me (cos na myself I know).
Anyway, I've noticed that a lot of people have become bloggers because they've noticed the prosperity of many bloggers recently. So, it just looks like blogging is an easy way to make big money sharp sharp. But that's not really the case.
First of all, blogging is not child's play. If you create your own content (like what I do here), it requires a lot of intellectual effort. Like I'm not playing, you have to think of content that's both relevant and entertaining. You have to be creative and that's not always easy. You also have to put in effort to grow your readership. A lot of times, you'd have to invest your money too. For those who run gossip blogs, I don't even know how people who do that have time for their lives, you constantly have to follow trends, keep up with news and update your blog. The way I get lazy without posting for weeks would never work if this was a news or gossip blog.
Secondly, for you to be successful, you have to be passionate about writing. You can't just wake up one day and say you want to be a blogger. You have to love writing.
For me, I've always been a writer right from my primary school. I used to write short stories, essays and kept series of diaries. For me, writing is an outlet. I like to narrate my experiences, share my opinions and since blogging provides me an opportunity to do that, well... here we are.
My blog is not commercial yet, meaning I haven't enabled it to use ads, for now I'm just concentrating on sharing my life as much as possible and building my audience. At some point later, I might have to make it commercial, but that would take some time till when I am comfortable with the space the blog is in because I feel like commercialization might distract from the main purpose of the blog, so I have to ensure that my blog is strong and I am comfortable with where I am before I introduce such elements.
I believe that everyone should also be able to evaluate what they are doing with their life and ask three important questions

1. Why am I in this career?
2. What do I hope to achieve by this career?
3. Do I find fulfilment in this career?

If after evaluation, you don't check all boxes; you should think long and hard if you should continue in that path.

Blogging is happiness for me, what is your career for you



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