5 Important Life Lessons I learnt From the University

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog! Lol, its been a small long time, (Dunno what that means 😃).
I've been AWOL for a while, this is because I was making arrangements to move back to Lagos and I finally came back on Sunday; so I've been in Lagos for two days. But I'd be talking about that in another post.
Today; however, I would be reflecting on my time in the University and the life lessons I learnt during those years.
As you may or may not know, I attended University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria and studied Linguistics and Communication studies. Typically, that's a four year course, but oh well; this is Nigeria and you know how it goes.
So; I'm just gonna delve into the topic of the day.
Lesson 1:
BE RESOLUTE! Listen, when you are in the University,  ain't no mummy, daddy or uncle gon' be chasing you around telling you what you ought and ought not to do. You need to make decisions on your own based on whatever training you might have been given back home and what you feel in your heart is right, and STAND BY those decisions. You must be resolute. There's a lot of pressure in school, so if you ain't resolute; you go just be like palm tree wey no get better root, any small breeze wey blow come your side, you go bend!

Lesson 2:

RELATIONSHIPS MATTER! The relationships you make in life can either make or break you. So many people might say it's not that important and that they are not easily influenced by friends. I am telling now, that is a lie specially concocted in the devil's blender. Your friends might not directly be influencing you to do bad, but then they might not be pushing you towards good either, and I tell you people, ya'll need to pick a side, it's either you on the the bed or you on the floor, no hanging on the bed frame. Friends who don't push you to be your very best, who don't inspire you to do more are just as bad as those who push you to do wrong. This rule is even more important in romantic relationships. If your bobo or baby is not motivating you and encouraging to achieve new things, it might be time to find a new Bae. Many of the most successful people in life would tell you how the people in their life have been instrumental in achieving all they have. So, relationships do matter.

Lesson 3:
HAVE A CLEAR VISION! In life, if you do not have a vision, you might as well not be alive at all. Going to the University no be just to claim graduate. It is a means to an end, the end being achieving your vision. So, if you don't have a vision; biko, what is the reason for your existence? This vision should not just be about what you want to be but who and where you want to be. You need to have a clear picture in your head of the kind of life you want to live and a strategy of how you want to achieve it. Your strategy may not be perfect at first, but don't worry, the plan can change but the vision doesn't!

Lesson 4:
LIFE IS NOT ALL ABOUT BOOK: Lol😂, I didn't know how else to caption this lesson. It's important to study hard and get good grades but that's not all you need in life. A university is not just a place to read but to acquire the necessary skills to be successful in life. Many of these life tips won't be acquired in the classroom or in the pages of a textbook. You need to expand your mind and broaden your scope. Build a social life,  acquire new skills, be an all-rounder. You are more likely to be successful if you have more than one path to getting there.

Lesson 5:

ALWAYS STAY POSITIVE: Positivity is key in life. Having a positive mindset will help you see opportunities where others see roadblocks, you'd try again when everyone else quits. Life will not always hand you roses, there's gotta be thorns too. Accept both as they come but never ever develop a negative mentality, that is a "destiny killer" according to Naija prayer warriors 😆. This does not mean you should not be realistic and know when a particular journey is fruitless, rather positivity will help you to quit the old journey and start a new one without being too weary 😩.

I know I said 5 things, but oh well I kept realizing more as I wrote. Maybe we'd do a follow up to this post. However, the most important lesson is that:
GOD IS YOUR BEST FRIEND! Yes, when you realise this and build a relationship with him, your life becomes more meaningful. What's more, he can grant you true success beyond just money or fame or whatever. He'll grant you satisfaction, happiness and peace of mind and that my friends is life's most important lesson.

I have to sign out here. See you or should I say read you 😁, in my next post. Adios!


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