
Showing posts from June, 2019

Five Dupes for the Beauty Lover on a Budget

In today’s internet crazy world with tons of bloggers and beauty influencers all around, getting beauty tips is never in short supply. However, doesn’t it seem like a lot of times, these beauty bloggers are on a constant roll with high end products and brands that you know you definitely cannot afford? I mean, face moisturiser for 25k? Girl bye, lol. So, if you’re like me and love to look and feel good but still don’t want to end up in the poor house as a result, sit tight and allow me share with you my top five beauty tips for the beauty lover on a budget. 1.DIY beauty hacks: Yes, there are easy DIY hacks which can serve as substitute for some of your skincare products and save you some cash.    Some examples easily come to mind such as using olive oil and sugar as a lip scrub or mixing highlighter and baby oil to substitute for an illuminator (bye bye Fenty). There’s a whole lot more to be found on ...


This has been my longest blog hiatus ever! Welcome back to my blog guys. To be honest, I really have no reason why I have been away from the blog for so long. It was just one of those periods where you lack motivation. I resolved to continue blogging this year but somehow it has stretched into June. However, I’ve been thinking about the blog for a few weeks but I wanted to put some things into place and this was taking longer than I thought so I decided to just take the plunge and start anyway. We’ll modify as we go along. NEWS FLASH!!! I started a beauty page on Instagram last year (because I’m beauty obsessed 😃) but it was hard keeping up with all my obligations so I have decided to merge my beauty blog with my personal blog to bring you an all-in-one experience; basically a blog that explores all of my different interests. From inspiration to beauty, business, career and anything in-between will all be shared here on this blog and I cannot wait for you guys to see it al...