
Showing posts from October, 2016


img source: Hey guys, how are you doing? See, I kept my promise even though it's almost end of day. I said I will post twice a week henceforth and I will try my very best to ensure this. However, there's a slight challenge this week and that's the fact that I don't have anything to post today! Can you believe that? I didn't plan well and I had a crazy weekend so I really didn't think about what I was going to post. But, I was tired of giving excuses for not posting on the blog and since I have resolved to post twice a week, twice a week I will even if it's just random ramblings. I apologise for this little glitch and I promise to be up and running in no time people. I'm working on a schedule of posts for the blog that I'm sure you'll be excited about. How many yay's for me? I hear so many. Thanks for the support people. There are some loyalists who read all of  my posts. However, we have a small  ...


Hey guys, as usual it's been a while I posted. In my last post, I explained that I had gotten a new job and my time was very limited, making it difficult to post. However, I have realised that I always have one seemingly good excuse or the other as to why I've not been consistent. School, bad laptop, work or even mood swings. This week, however, I came across something that inspired me so much that I have resolved to stop making excuses for myself.  There's this blogger I follow on Instagram, but have never really visited her blog, her blog is FashionablyIdu. I stumbled across her Facebook page and I was scrolling through it to see her blog updates and i saw a particular post where she talked about beating cancer and celebrating two years blog anniversary. I was interested so i clicked to read it. Going through the story, I was challenged. Do you know that during this previous year, Idu fought cancer, kept her day job as a Kindergarten teacher, was raisin...


Hello beautiful people, how are you all doing? We're slowly winding down to the weekend? This is one of my most appreciated weekends in a long time. Like, I'm so happy it's the weekend and I'll tell you why in a short while. I would like to address a very important issue in this post. This blog is here to express my thoughts on all things i feel like discussing and if I don't talk about this, then I don't know what else I will do. If you are a student or you just graduated, you would fully understand what I am talking about. As a student, we can't wait to graduate, we all dream of that day when we finally write our last paper, drop our pen and scream our heads off in excitement. Yeah, I did all of that too. However, the novelty soon wears off and reality begins to sink in. We realise that graduation might not be all we imagined it to be. For the first one week after the final exam or probably after your project defense, we might sleep like bab...