img source: http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/ Hey guys, how are you doing? See, I kept my promise even though it's almost end of day. I said I will post twice a week henceforth and I will try my very best to ensure this. However, there's a slight challenge this week and that's the fact that I don't have anything to post today! Can you believe that? I didn't plan well and I had a crazy weekend so I really didn't think about what I was going to post. But, I was tired of giving excuses for not posting on the blog and since I have resolved to post twice a week, twice a week I will even if it's just random ramblings. I apologise for this little glitch and I promise to be up and running in no time people. I'm working on a schedule of posts for the blog that I'm sure you'll be excited about. How many yay's for me? I hear so many. Thanks for the support people. There are some loyalists who read all of my posts. However, we have a small ...