Life Update: NYSC, Business and more

Hey guys, It's good to be back here once again. It's been a couple of weeks since my last post and I thought to share with you guys what I have been up to. I had initially planned a post on something entirely different and it was meant to be a series but for some reason, that hasn't really worked out. If all eventually works out, as I hope it would, I would still put it up. So, what have I been up to recently? Well, first of all; I think Congratulations are in order for me as I successfully completed my One year of National Service this month (*inserts dancing emoji). I know I was never too excited about the whole Service thing but then I am excited that I have crossed it off my to do list and more importantly, it means I can now explore many more options that I was previously held back from doing. Secondly, I know you might not know this cos I didn't really announce it on here but if you follow me on Social media, you would know that I launched a business...