Hello, people of God. How have y'all been? Though you may not believe it, I have missed you terribly. Do not mind me, I am finding out that blogging no be beans and buns. It takes a lot of time, attention and dedication and between school there is very little time left for anything else. P.s: Am in my final year now, yay!!! Very soon, I go comot for this school. (*rubbing hands in anticipation.) So, firstly I do apologise for the absence I have been a very lazy blogger; I admit it. I still don't know how Linda Ikeji pulls it off. *sigh. I will improve, I promise. On our long story of "Celebrating the 'F' word", I still haven't forgotten. Today, I want to talk about 'FUN'. Because ama linguist, I like dictionary definition of terms, so fun is any activity that's pleasurable, enjoyable and playful. There's always debate on what should be counted as fun and what shouldn't. Certain people will tell you they enjoy reading book...